![Leadership Coaching (video)](https://signitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Tammy-Jersey-TKJ-Leadership-2-600x337.png)
Tammy Jersey is intuitively tuned in to the needs and motives of executive leaders – and is driven to help them rise to new levels of greatness. This abiding passion has led her to serve in two distinct, yet complementary, capacities. First, she’s a coach for executives who want to lead more authentically and inspirationally. Second, she’s a C-suite search specialist for companies seeking diverse, deep-impact leaders, particularly those committed to bringing more high-performing women into their leadership circle.
Greater gravitas: the coaching approach
Tammy is known for helping leaders transform their perspective and shape new possibilities. As one global executive describes her work, “she can start with a block of cement and turn it into moldable clay.” Her coaching serves as an amplifier for leaders seeking to grow their gravitas, gain deeper trust and respect, and galvanize their ability to persuade and influence.
As a result of Tammy’s coaching, countless executives have expanded their skills in managing up (including Boards), exuding confidence, motivating teams, strengthening relationships with colleagues, and creating “followership” – becoming the kind of leader to whom people gravitate.
Unicorn hunter: the executive search approach
Tammy is known for “finding unicorns” – those rare individuals who have a unique blend of attributes, can readily switch gears, and can seamlessly move into a new, even more impactful, role. She leverages her skills as a leadership consultant to uncover the interests and intentions of these special leaders and then to find the “magic of the fit,” matching candidates with the company culture most conducive to their growth.
Tammy’s nimble coaching skills are instrumental in the candidate interview and selection process. She digs deeply, unearthing and unravelling the uniqueness of each prospect. Candidates feel understood and cared for, while the process crystalizes for clients the most salient points about the candidate’s background, potential cultural fit, and prospective value to the company.