I’m a change-agent with a proven track record. An experienced leader in senior management and C-Suite roles, with a collaborative style of working and leading that creates a prosperous climate.
I’m also a highly dynamic negotiator; a trait inherent in women, I believe. And I’m a right-brainer in a left-brained world. This idiosyncrasy affords me a distinctive perspective and allows me to converge my knowledge of the rules and regulations of the financial world with creative thinking.
I’m experienced in highly-regulated industries as well as other types of businesses. And I’m familiar with statutory, GAP and MCEV accounting principles, as well as Basel 3. I’ve chaired various board committees and, as a qualified financial expert, can serve on audit committees. I’ve also orchestrated both hostile and friendly takeovers, led a company out of bankruptcy, spearheaded succession planning for a future CEO, and implemented risk management initiatives.